The International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)

Our Team

The INTO team is supported by a global group of ambassadors, trustees and supporters

INTO Ambassadors, Trustees and Secretariat team bring together the very finest of the global National Trust movement.

They hold a vast knowledge of the heritage and conservation worlds and huge amounts of skill and experience, which they share big-heartedly in order to make INTO greater than the sum of its parts. We remain continuously grateful for their wisdom and generosity.

INTO Trustees

Oversight of INTO is undertaken by our charity trustees. They are responsible for regulating the work of the charity and the conduct of its meetings. Whilst they are representatives of full voting INTO Members, they perform their duties as trustees to further the purposes of INTO.






INTO Team Martin Galea Trustee

Vice Chair

head shot of Fauzy Ismail wearing a white shirt against a grey background




Photo of Julian Menko, wearing a striped shirt with a tree in the background




INTO Secretariat

The Secretariat delivers all of INTO’s programmes and work. Hosted by one of our largest members, the National Trust, we work to support all INTO members across the world. Meet some of the team below.

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photo of Ellie Oliver, a woman with blonde hair wearing glasses

Communications Manager

Programme Manager – Climate Change and International Heritage Resilience

photo of Jacqui Sealy

Programme Officer

a man seated smiling at the camera - he is wearing glasses and a dark blue jacket

Deputy Secretary-General of INTO

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  • One monthly email
  • Opportunities for funding, learning and knowledge sharing
  • News from the INTO Secretariat on our global work
  • Updates from the global network