INTO Conference
Bringing together heritage professionals from across the globe
Our 2024 conference
Facing Change
2-5 December 2024 Amman, Jordan
We held our biennial conference in Jordan, in partnership with the Petra National Trust and British Council.
‘Facing Change’ looked at the unique contribution National Trusts are making in adapting to climate change, invigorating nature recovery and supporting heritage skills development.
Steeped in history and located at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, Jordan is a natural venue for a meeting of INTO members and partners. The country is home to six UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the spectacular Petra Archaeological Park.
Petra National Trust are a key partner in the Withstanding Change project, and celebrate their 35th anniversary this year.
About INTO conferences
The INTO Conference is at the heart of everything we do.
Born in the 1970s as the International Conference for National Trusts (ICNT), the conference gathers people from across the globe to collaborate to protect our world heritage.
It is an opportunity for our network to meet and discuss collective goals and challenges in our sector. Each biennial conference is hosted by a member of our global family in partnership with INTO.

Listen again to conference recordings from INTO Dundee 2022
Watch nowWhy come to an INTO Conference?
Be a part of vibrant, dynamic discussions on emerging issues confronting the global National Trust movement and our role in the future of conservation.
“Better than any book you can buy in a shop … You have given out more inspiration than you can ever know” Sara Lampitt, National Trust of Guernsey
Learn from and exchange knowledge with your international peers. Gain insights on how National Trusts in other countries operate.
“The INTO conference is hands-down the best investment I make in my own personal and professional development, and in finding new ideas for my National Trust. Over the course of a few days, I meet with dozens of peers facing similar challenges and doing great work around the world.” Natalie Bull, National Trust for Canada
Connect and benefit from the expertise of exceptional speakers sharing their insights and practical experiences.
“Everyone made a great effort to make us feel welcome and the debates and speakers were, of course, outstanding. The entire thing gave much impetus to us here in Slovenia to go ahead and push for the eventual establishing of a National Trust for Slovenian heritage as well. INTO’s inspiration, input and experience will be very beneficial in convincing our potential members and the local policy makers that such a Trust could be instrumental in managing our heritage.” Jaro Ješe, Kultura-Natura Slovenija
Experience effective models and trends that will help you professionally and give your organisation a competitive advantage.
“For me, the greatest impact was in the broad range of people that I was able to meet, who are working within the same field—it not only put my own work into a global perspective but also gave our organisation inspiration and ideas for new projects and collaborations in the coming months and years.” Jonathan Eaton, Cultural Heritage without Borders, Tirana, Albania
Network and explore new partnership opportunities with like-minded individuals and organisations from across the world.
“Attendance at ICNT has enabled us to learn far more about awareness and education. It was also of great benefit to be able to meet so many like-minded people. We greatly value the contact that we have with INTO and no longer feel as isolated …” Lin Goncalves, National Trust of Zimbabwe
Select a stream that is most relevant to your field of expertise and interest from our a varied thematic tracks. Past streams have included: diversity and inclusiveness, education, built heritage, environment and capacity building.
“I have attended four conferences. Each time we all came away knowing just how connected our concerns are in the face of climate change, limited financial support, the need for partnerships, and threats which could destroy that which we seek to preserve and protect.” Peter Dessauer, US National Parks Service
Get to know the people, properties, programmes and context of another National Trust, with all its rich history and beautiful natural sites.
“Combining workshops and learning journeys, the conference provided a unique opportunity for the participants to not only learn about heritage, but also to experience heritage.” David Kaweesi, Uganda National Commission for UNESCO
There is something liberating about spending an intense few days in a new space focussed on learning, networking and feeding off the energy of like-minded people. The INTO conference is a place to challenge yourself and grow.
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my work and see that we are doing well. All the spirit and energy transmitted at the Conference makes me to continue with more energy. Learning and sharing experiences from high profile professionals in cultural and natural heritage coming from all the world was a unique experience. It was like receiving diamonds in our hands.” Sdenka Fuentes, Bolivian Society for Historical Studies, Heritage and Restoration
Past INTO Conferences
Heritage Now: Relevance and Community. Many of us came to Scotland to think about how to make our work more essential. How to engage with different communities. What we need to do to make the stories we tell more inclusive. And we discovered that, as a global movement, we are already doing so much that is really good.
"Building Resilience" was the first digital INTO conference of its kind. Responding to a year of seismic change worldwide, INTO members came together to share learning on resilience. From building resilience in telling full and diverse histories, enhancing climate resilience to engaging with the communities that underpin our global sites.
'Arms Wide Open' demonstrated the extraordinary diversity of what we do. From dealing with biodiversity loss, managing small islands, to volunteerism and building membership, the 2019 Bermuda conference asked how heritage can welcome the world with open arms.
‘Our Cultural Heritage, the Key to Environmental Sustainability’ welcomed over 200 global heritage leaders to explore the connection between cultural tradition and sustainable development, with a focus on practical solutions.
‘Common threads; Different patterns’ provided a platform to hear from some of the most influential and experienced professionals working in the conservation of built, natural and cultural heritage today.
Delegates travelled to Entebbe to explore the growing appreciation and importance of heritage for our future well-being. The Conference provided an opportunity to share and explore new insights on the diversity and relevance of heritage.
INTO Conference statements

On cultural sustainability and climate change

Calling for global action to protect and promote tangible and intangible heritage

On the implications for cultural sustainability of climate change

On climate change
More from INTO conferences