We bring together INTO members on projects to share learning and best practice, and we support them through all stages of project delivery
Projects created through partnerships
Our programmes and projects facilitate international collaboration and learning in the heritage sector.
We bring together INTO members on projects to share learning and best practice. We support them through all stages of project delivery.
This means growing the concept into a brief, identifying potential donors, fundraising and finally grant management and project delivery.
INTO can act as advisor, partner or project lead, depending on the needs of our members.
INTO Projects

From 2022-2025, with £1.7 million in funding from the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund and supported by the INTO project team, our international partners will restore six historic sites that are threatened by climate change.

With funding from the ALIPH Foundation, this project restored the missile-hit Tsiskarauli Tower and created a working holidays programme for National Trust of Georgia.

We brought together representatives of the Czech National Trust, Herita in Flanders, National Trust for Scotland, FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano and the National Trust of Slovakia with National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland colleagues to create the Erasmus+ funded SEECHT Project.

This collaboration with CCFU preserved heritage at risk from climate change in Uganda. The British Council's Cultural Protection Fund supported this project.

Funded by Interreg Europe, Innocastle improved policy instruments governing castles across Europe, by supporting the exchange of knowledge between the five project partners.

INTO brought together members in Nigeria and Wales, to share best practice for engaging historic house collections.
Project news