INTO Bali 2017
In September 2017, National Trust leaders from around the world gathered in Bali for INTO’s biennial conference.
‘Our Cultural Heritage, the Key to Environmental Sustainability’ was beautifully co-hosted by the Indonesian Heritage Trust (BPPI). This was our 17th international conference. And we welcomed over 200 heritage leaders from all four corners of the globe. Delegates explored the connection between cultural tradition and concerns for sustainable development. Furthermore there was a real focus on concrete and practical solutions.
We are deeply grateful to the Regency of Gianyar for welcoming us with such warmth and generosity.
It was also an opportunity to mark ten year’s since INTO’s establishment. There have been many changes and developments in the heritage environment over INTO’s first decade. Including reduction in government support for heritage, growth of civil society organisations, and the new challenges posed by migration, changing demographics and other societal trends.
We were delighted to have received support from the Regency of Gianyar, American Express and the Helen Hamlyn Trust. Our wonderful sponsors enabled the widest possible attendance at this year’s conference. We are also grateful for a grant from the Daniel K. Thorne Foundation towards the Handbook.
In a changing world we have seen the retrenchment of government support for heritage in many countries and the growth of civil society organisations working in the heritage field. The need to share experiences and resources across the INTO network is now paramount.
What is an INTO member?
Amongst the INTO membership the idea is quite a flexible one. Some acquire properties while others concentrate on campaigning. Some are more interested in the natural environment and others in cultural heritage. Many have a mission for both. Some work very closely with government while others are fervent critics of the state.
10 years after the foundation of INTO, we launched From Start Up to Sustainability: An INTO Handbook for Heritage Trusts. This new manual showcases the work, philosophy and organisational structures of trusts all around the world.
It was written by Cultural Resource Specialist, Dr June Taboroff and Catherine Leonard, INTO’s Secretary-General. And it demonstrates what is unique and special about the national trust approach. Why they matter and what they can achieve in all parts of the world.
The Handbook is an invaluable resource, full of great tips from across the INTO family both for people and groups thinking of establishing a trust, but also for existing organisations to be inspired by the activities of other INTO members.

Downloadable resources
Case studies on diversity from the INTO Bermuda 2019 conference
A summary of the events, discussions and presentations during INTO Bali 2017
Launched at INTO Bali 2017 a manual exploring the work and philosophy of INTO members across the globe
In 2015, we asked our 66 INTO member organisations what they saw as the greatest threat to heritage

INTO Online 2021
In 2021, we are bringing together the INTO movement at a virtual conference for the first time. Our theme will be around building resilience as we all emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Learn moreLearning Links

Find specialist knowledge from within the INTO membership

A training programme for growing new trusts covering topics such as membership, recruiting volunteers and developing commercial opportunities

A dynamic programme of regular webinars run in partnership with INTO members and international heritage bodies

Find and download key resources for international heritage trusts